Toodete perekond

SQUARE LAGI 1 tuleline tamm õlitatud

Tarneaeg: 7
170,00 € 85,00 €
Kogus: - +
   - või -   


Tootekood 821316_S214128-1000
Viimistlus õlitatud tamm
Valgusallikaid 1xE14
Kangas LINANE naturaalne 0800

SQUARE LAGI õlitatud 1 x E14





õlitatud tamm




LINANE naturaalne 0800

Tarmo Luisk

Tarmo Luisk, Born 31 march 1970

Kui disainer Tarmo Luisku Eestis ei oleks, tuleks ta välja mõelda!“ nii ütles Heikki Zoova, EKA tootedisainiosakonna juht.

Tarmo Luisk experiments between product design and art. His is a compromise between designer and artist to do a bit of everything. Tarmo Luisk is one of the most well-known and most productive individuals among modern Estonian designers; he has created furniture, lamps and clocks and has also dealt with public space. Luisk’s work is a considered compromise between detail and smartness. He is a perfectionist in design and very critical of himself. He may even redo a sketch of an item a hundred times; it is only important that he himself is pleased with the final result. But most importantly – he believes that design has to be witty. There is always a small trick in his work. He enjoys giving witty titles to his works and so his public looks at his design work through the prism of humour.

Seltskonnas on Luisk tuntud naljamees, kellele ei valmista mingit raskust panna Londonis vagunitäis rahvast metroos eestikeelselt ja mitmehäälselt eesti rahvalaulu laulma.

Produced by 4ROOM designed by Tarmo Luisk

Universal 2001
Artist 2002
Square 2005
Rose 2006
Bubble boy 2007
Spider 2011
Crane 2012
What? 2014
Luisk has had many solo exhibitions, participated in group exhibitions and entered competitions; he has won all the design prizes and awards on offer in Estonia.

Major Awards
2008 The Estonian Design Award Bruno, the best design project of the year.

2014 The Estonian Design Award Bruno, the best design project of the year.





4ROOM on paindlik oma tootmises ning soovi korral on võimalik panna kokku täpselt Teie vajadustele vastav valgusti. Valida on võimalik valgusallikate arvu, metallosade viimistlust, kuplite kuju, suurust ja kangast ning hajutite materjali.

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